How to use Packaging Footprint data (smart LCA) to drive new Business

1 hour
September 19, 2023
  • EU Sustainability Legislation & Market Trends in Packaging Industry
  • Smart Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for business
  • Practical steps: how to future-proof your sales & marketing
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How to use Packaging Footprint data (smart LCA) to drive new Business

Are your customers asking for CO2 data on your packaging? Want to stand out as a sustainable packaging frontrunner - without risks of greenwashing? Discover the business opportunities of having credible environmental data for your packaging products. In this webinar, we guide you through how to calculate and use packaging footprints in your sales, and marketing to meet new sustainable market demands and comply with EU sustainability regulations for packaging.


Hi, I'm Zazala - Head of Growth at Pickler. I've worked in impact measurements for many years and experienced first hand how difficult it can be for businesses to start. My goal: share my practical knowledge to make environmental sustainability accessible and understandable to business. Have questions about this topic or just want to chat? Reach out to me via email or LinkedIn!

Zazala Quist

Head of growth

Koen de Beer

Co-founder of Pickler

What you'll learn
  • EU Sustainability Legislation & Market Trends in Packaging Industry
  • Smart Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for business
  • Practical steps: how to future-proof your sales & marketing